Considering today’s changing market, you want to hire the best of the best when it comes to a REALTOR®. We guarantee you’ll find just that in the agents that work for Guidry & Company Real Estate. Our REALTORS® are trained professionals who are ready to help you sell your home. So, allow yourself the time to choose who would be the best fit.
Below, we have compiled a list of questions sellers can ask to make this process easier.

How long have you been selling real estate?
Ensuring that REALTORS® have the credentials and experience necessary to sell a home is pivotal. To be sure, you can ask questions about their credibility, such as:
Are you a Listing Agent or a Buyer’s Agent?
Can you share some of your successful experiences in the selling process?
Can you provide a list of referrals?
How many sales did you close last year?
Do you specialize in this neighborhood?
How do you arrive at your suggested listing price?
REALTORS® know the home selling process like the back of their hand so that you don’t have to. Ask your potential real estate agent to explain and help you understand how they came to the suggested listing price. Consider these factors when reviewing your home’s listing price:
Comparable Sales
Square footage
Bedrooms & Bathrooms
Lot Size
How much will selling my home cost?
Understanding the total cost breakdown of the selling process is important, so ask potential REALTORS® to talk through it with you. To avoid hidden fees, make sure to ask your potential real estate agent these questions:
How much do you charge?
What’s included in your fees?
What percentage of commission will you receive?
Are there any other charges I need to factor in to achieve my bottom line?
Can you advise us on getting our home ready for the market?
Can you help with staging my home?
Are professional photos included?
Do you preapprove buyers?
Do you schedule showings?
Are you trained in negotiation?
Can you advise us in making decisions regarding receiving offers?
How will you market my home?
Ask your potential real estate agent what their marketing strategy is when selling homes. Each REALTOR® has a different way of working through their sales plan, so make sure to ask them questions about how they will advertise your home:
Will you install a professional For Sale sign?
Where will you be posting my listing?
Will you use flyers, brochures, and networking?
Will you be holding Open Houses?
Will you be the one answering the buyer inquiries?
What are the selling features of my home?
A REALTOR’S® main goal is to identify the best qualities of homes and any red flags. Getting advice on how to get your home nice and tidy from a professional can make a world of difference when it comes time to open your house to the public. Consider these tasks to get your home ready for viewing:
Deep cleaning
Consider whether repairs or upgrades are needed, like replacing lighting, roofing, or flooring or
repainting and landscaping
Understanding what home inspections look for
Communication is the Key, and Guidry & Company Real Estate is Here for You
Once you choose a REALTOR®, you must agree on how often you will be in contact about selling your home. These questions provide a way to dig deeper, gain trust, and respect one another during the home selling process.
Here at Guidry & Company Real Estate, we provide top-level experience in the real estate industry and are happy to answer any questions about the selling process. Please get in touch with us for a free consultation to see how we can help you in your selling journey.